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What are the main components of the pneumatic system

The gas circuit system is mainly composed of gas source switching system, piping system, pressure regulating system, gas point, monitoring and alarm system. For some flammable and explosive gases, there may be slight differences in the design and construction process, and safety control devices such as gas flashback preventers and safety grounding must be added.
In a modern laboratory, in order to complete the experiment, a variety of analytical instruments are needed, such as gas chromatograph, atomic absorption, atomic fluorescence, gas-mass spectrometry, ICP, etc., among which these instruments need to use high-purity gas , The traditional method is to use separate cylinders to distribute gas supply mode. In this gas supply mode, each instrument and equipment is equipped with a gas cylinder separately, which meets the use of each instrument and equipment. However, with the continuous increase in laboratory investment in recent years, the instrument The equipment is increasing rapidly, and the gas consumption is increasing year by year. The traditional gas supply mode is no longer in line with the increase in equipment and equipment. At the same time, the scattered gas supply mode brings chaos in the laboratory layout, and the frequent replacement of steel cylinders also affects the management of the laboratory. In order to solve the above two problems, a set of high safety and centralized gas supply system is needed to complete the gas supply from the gas source to the instrument. This is the laboratory high-purity gas pipeline system. Where the function is.
2021/06/07 09:53:05 4075

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